Monday, October 25, 2010


For my extra shots i really didnt use a theme but i had a concept that i used in all of them which was the use of photoshop. In this image i decided to really let the colors brighten up and show. The picture had  a natural glow and i just wanted to enhance that and the colors more by using photoshop.
In this image this pict ure contributed to my concept because i also used photoshop in this one because i used photoshop to make sure the blacks were black and by using levels. I also decided to add a little bit of texture to the skull just to show its edgy side. I could have worked more on the skull with photoshop and i think that would have made this image pop more.
This photograph of george in the skull fit in with my idea of using photoshop to add effect or try new things. I decided to clone the skull and put it on his face also. This was a fun one because i got to use photoshop in a fun way.
When i photoshoped this picture i wanted to also add a background and i thought she looked very city like so thats why i decided to put her there and add brushes. I started going back to what i learned last year but that way i added more stuff to the layouts this time becaus ei wanted to experience more with it.

When i did this picture i decided it would fit into my concept if i used photoshop to focus on one thing and make the edges darker. I could have also developed the use of photoshop more by making this image a little softer maybe or something like that. So my whole concept for my extra images was the use and development of using photoshop to edit my images.

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