Thursday, February 4, 2010


Studio lighting was an easy process taking the photographs and thinking of portraits that would look classy and good. The hard part of all of this was the printing room. I think the mistake was that we choose black background rather than white which would have looked better. Since we chose black it was hard to destinguish dark things like his hair, shirt, and the other half of his face. In the printing room i had to let less light so the image wouldnt have looked so blown out. The first one i did was to bright because the light was to low, so i had to use a brighter light, and when i did it got darker and the lines separating his hair and shirt from the background dissapeared and it kind of blends in. In the end what i do like about this image is the contrast it shows, and how classic the portrait looks. Next time when we decide to do this project i will decide to use a white background just how the teacher recomended we should of used.

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