Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sequencing was maybe the photoshoot were it involved the most thinking. Usually i always have an idea of a photo and i snap it, but this time it had to be more than one photo and when i put all of them together it had to make sense. I had many ideas of different storys, but a mest up love and friendship crossed my head with good images. My story was about two bestfriends that meet a girl(Ruby) and one of them(Carlos) becomes her boyfriend. Later the girlfriend is no longer so close to the boyfriend and in the back of the couple is the other best friend(Rigo). As he starts getting into the picture too. Later as you can see in the top left image Rigo goes behind his bestfriends back and goes out with the girlfriend(Ruby), but carlos has no idea. As he later finds out, Carlos chooses not to be friends with Rigo and theres a big seperation between them, with Ruby in the middle of it. Sequence is also a great process that lets your imagination flow in many different ways. I would love to start making other sequencing intresting stories.

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