Tuesday, January 26, 2010

This is my cover to my sequencing book titiled "Trajic Friendship". I decided to use an image that i use in the story but it was an extra. This image is basicly about the three people shown in it, and you can tell a girl is stuck in the middle between these two friends. At first i decided to tear the picture and make a collage in the front were you would have to guess what its about. But then Aja helped me and sugested it would look better if i put the picture back in the torn pieces. So thats why the image is put back together. Secon i had already decided i wanted to add color into this little book and i thought red would help the whole classy look. So i decided to splatter the paint all over making a look like a more exagerating to the trajic theme. For the font i decided to do cursive, it was a good idea but the lettering didnt come out all that good because of the paper, but i like the title i chose.

Sequencing was maybe the photoshoot were it involved the most thinking. Usually i always have an idea of a photo and i snap it, but this time it had to be more than one photo and when i put all of them together it had to make sense. I had many ideas of different storys, but a mest up love and friendship crossed my head with good images. My story was about two bestfriends that meet a girl(Ruby) and one of them(Carlos) becomes her boyfriend. Later the girlfriend is no longer so close to the boyfriend and in the back of the couple is the other best friend(Rigo). As he starts getting into the picture too. Later as you can see in the top left image Rigo goes behind his bestfriends back and goes out with the girlfriend(Ruby), but carlos has no idea. As he later finds out, Carlos chooses not to be friends with Rigo and theres a big seperation between them, with Ruby in the middle of it. Sequence is also a great process that lets your imagination flow in many different ways. I would love to start making other sequencing intresting stories.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I think the process of this digital assignment was different and in the begining very stressful, but in the end it looked just like i wanted it too. When i started i had a lot of trouble with the lasso tool, but in a way it seemed sort of simple, i just thought it was harder and i stressed out. After i decided to copy and paste and it was not how i wanted to do it so i had to grab the whole image and paste it onto the sky i wanted to show. I chose the sunrise sky because i thought it would look interesting with the structure of the temple thing. How i set it up it looks like a dreamy place and weird but it makes it look cool. After i had pasted the image i had to zoom in and begin erasing the details so i can put the sunset good. i would work again with the lasso tool and now i got more experience to use it so i wont give up fast, and make other creations too.