Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Period 6: 3 Strangers

Erin, she likes to peel the bananas from the bottom up! How weird is that!!!!
Nick plays soccer EVERY tuesday! never misses a day here at the park.
Christopher always tends to clap his hands before he sits down! its like his OCD

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Period 3: The Lion

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In this image i decided to shoot my model facing away from me so the shadow can set behind her. My models outfit reminded me of an elephant skin color and so i made her hold the elephant head piece. You can see the shadow sets behind her and it forms the trunk. I believe its more interesting that her face is not showing because it hold you closer to the actual shadow that the shape is creating.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Period 6: Shadows

In this picture i decided to shoot Troy with a shadow in his face. The day i took this picture it was really sunny and the little palm trees were making this unique shadow on the floor. I then decided to tell Troy to just lay down and have the shadow in his face. The feeling i wanted to show a very summery feeling and that is why i made warmer vintage colors to portray my idea.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Period 3: Senior Ex pic #3 ,Period 6: Symbolism

For this image i decided to show symbolism through the pink ribbon. I chose pink because pink ribbons represent breast cancer and so this was an image in which i wanted to portray the idea of loosing a loved one to breast cancer. It was difficult to make the ribbon into this shape because i decided to use a drape. What i then did in photoshop was i placed the middle of the ribbon onto a stand and i photoshopped the stand out. I also decided to desaturate the whole image and just leave the pink in order for the viewer to get a better and clearer understanding of what the pink represented.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Period 3: Senior Ex pic #1

Period 6:Close Up

In this image i decided to replace Kayla's face with a cloud, i chose a cloud because it was very sunny outside but there were clouds missing and so i decided to show it. Also in this image i made her jump because i noticed nobody had their models moving just standing there. It also worked out very well because clouds are high up and since she jumped it worked out very well. For the cloud i decided to just put a bunch of cotton balls together and it formed a cloud. It was a struggle but i loved how it looked in the end.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Period:6 Animal View (TIGER)

The animal i decided to choose was a TIGER, i found out that tigers have a similar view of humans. They have the ability to see the same as we do. The only difference is at night they see way better it said that it almost seems as if they have a sixth sense. I decided to shoot Troy in between  the bushes because a normal tiger would hunt people or preys and theyd be hidding in between bushes. For the second one to show their night vision i made the image more crisp and darker so you can see its a night, i also decided to keep the bushes for the same hunting a prey effect.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Period 3:

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Period 6: Commercial

This is my commercial photo in which i wanted to show the brand Ben Sherman. I like how my model is smiling in this picture because that seems more commercial. I also decided to desaturate the photo a little just so the white could stand out more and make is more about the shirt. For next time i think im going to straighten out the photo a little more.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Period 3:

 In this picture i was trying to portray Carlos trying to erase out of his memory a fire incident that happened to him. Here i decided to make his eyes the center of the image because they say your eyes can tell alot, and maybe that would be the best way to show him trying to wipe out his memory.

Period 3:

This is the second idea i had to show someone trying to erase a fire incident out of his mind. The difference in this shot was i decided to choose a picture in which his face expression was awkward. The way he showed his face expression reflects how he feels about the incident that occured. In this image i also wanted to portray Carlos trying to wipe the incident out of his mind.

Period 3:

This was finally the last picture in which i decided i wanted to show Carlos trying to erase the fire incident out of his mind. The only difference is his face is not showing. By having his face not show the main focus is what had occured. However, the body language he is showing describes how he feels toward the certain incident, which would show how bad he would want to get it out of his mind.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Period 6: 6 Different Lightings

This was my idea of 6 different lightings. My idea was to show how lighting affect s the mood, and thats why i decided to choose a dance position because dance is obviously showing emotion. The emotion however is not consistent the whole way because the way the light was positioned changed the whole feeling of it. I thought my shot was preety succesful with showing different moods.