Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Green Tree

For this photograph i decided to shoot all different type of textures that all appeared green and put them together to form one big tree. I didn't know really how to blend it together on photoshop but i just erased them in together. i like how all the other flowers were different greens and were different textures. The process was fun and i never shot flowers before or making collages.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Final for 1st Period

What i decided to for my final was stop action. i have always like cpturing things oin the momment when people are off grounds. The first picture is a kid flipping his hair in the air. his hair seemed very unique and so i decided to choose him with his hair like that. The other kid is dancing and he always does dances off the ground and i cought him in jumping in the air. The last kid is my cousing thats very tiny and i decided to make carlos swing her to show her tiny body off the ground.