Monday, December 5, 2011


If my house was burning i would take...
- My dog Cassie because she's crossed eyed and i don think she would find her way out.
- I would take and emergency kit, just in case anyone gets hurt or we run out of water there is emergency waters in there. 
-I would take my handiest purse and in it I would take my bible, the most important book to be reading, my important documents such as my passport also my phone and wallet. 
-Lastly, i would take shoes especially boots because they are more durable.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


My final series consisted of three portraits together that all have in common shadows. I decided to make different type of shadows based on the models personality or clothing. For example the first model had already made her own vintage stencils, the second was wearing indian patterns and so we made it according the last one had squares and so i made the stencil very squarish. Having shadows draws the viewer in to both the darker areas and the brighter lit areas.

Period 6: SERIES PIC. #3

Period 6: SERIES PIC. #2

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Period 3: ABSTRACT

In this particular image i used a stencil that was being used for shadows but i wanted to use it even closer to the face and actually get it in the shot. When i reviewed the photo i noticed you could only identify the eye and the rest wasn't as obvious and so thats why i decided to choose it as my abstract photo. 


Friday, November 4, 2011

Period 3: FASHION

In this picture my model Carlos was placed in a higher level so that the angle i shot from was the bottom. I also liked how the fence was close to the little building and so i just had him hang from the top and extend his legs out so it seemed more fashion type. I also incorporated photoshop by adding in a picture i took of a very grey sky. Next time i rather perfer my model to wear something more dangling.


For this picture the theme i wanted was like a man in a big world and him being very tiny. The irony is that the location is actually very small and i just shrunken my model. I also photoshopped in a different sky to go with the theme of creepyness and a bit of a akward fanatasy world. This picture should give the audience alot to think about of their nature surroundings.

Friday, October 28, 2011


The assignment was about exposing the inner truth of someone. My model Troy is a person who is always so self conscience and is always shows his confidence. What we didnt know about troy is that he feels he desnt look good enough and he considers himself to be an ugly person. The lines on his face are lines that a plastic surgeon would most likely draw before a surgery. On my model Troy are the lines he would want to change about himself. Who would have thought a very confident person on the inside was insecure about his face features.

Friday, October 7, 2011


In these pictures i used Carlos Aguayo as my model. For this Diane Arbus shoot i know we had to make the model look akward and i chose the perfect model for this. Carlos face feautres and gestures are already very akward and you can see it through these images. The model was a little aware of how he looked and since he didnt want to look that dorky he would fixed himself this cause a bit of a problem because i felt that i could have got better shots of him since he has a very akward look.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Period 3: PORTRAIT

This is a regular portrait i shot of my friend. here he shows his frustration and its being portrayed in the way his hands cover his face. I decided to only show a part of his face because it seemed more intresting than rather the whole shot. For this shot i also decided to add some photo shop brush tools. I chose the colors to be red and i decided to choose them as if they were smoke just to show how steaming his frustration makes him.


My inspiration for my image was Jerry Uelsmann. His work is amazing in the form of how he connects science and the arts. Although his work is back and white i just wanted to make it more modern. He is also a big inspiration for my senior ex idea. i think his work is genious, and he is a true photographer because of his skill using film and developing his pictures but also of the ideas he portrays.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Green Tree

For this photograph i decided to shoot all different type of textures that all appeared green and put them together to form one big tree. I didn't know really how to blend it together on photoshop but i just erased them in together. i like how all the other flowers were different greens and were different textures. The process was fun and i never shot flowers before or making collages.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Final for 1st Period

What i decided to for my final was stop action. i have always like cpturing things oin the momment when people are off grounds. The first picture is a kid flipping his hair in the air. his hair seemed very unique and so i decided to choose him with his hair like that. The other kid is dancing and he always does dances off the ground and i cought him in jumping in the air. The last kid is my cousing thats very tiny and i decided to make carlos swing her to show her tiny body off the ground.

Friday, April 1, 2011


Monday, March 28, 2011



April Day (San Diego, CA, 1994) studies at SD School of Creative and Performing Arts. Has had work be in the Spring Show 09-10. Also in the book of Photography at SDSCPA, 2010.

Artist’s Statement

My work consists of a natural beauty scene, which can almost be seen as a dreamy fantasy nature, and also with a bit sense of fashion that intrigues the photograph. My aesthetic and technique can be related to the work of many out door fashion photographers especially those who shoot more of nature. It is an attempt at creating a personal vision, where the beauty of nature and clothes, which traces a naturalistic vision, mixing in with fashion concepts that can create a contrast, and in doing all of that the challenge the subjectivity of photography.

My personal objective is that creating a work that is beautiful and breath taking. Not just any ordinary beauty but a natural beauty that Mother Nature offers. That beauty and ability of breath being taken away will come from seeing the landscape in the background and also by what the models are wearing and how they are posing in the photographs.

My art is influenced by the outdoors, and recent commercials of representing Mexican culture called Bicentenario, 2010. I have dedicated my self to find similar locations that would show the different types of beauties that Mother Nature offers us.

There is mostly a pattern of sky and earth tones in my work; the purpose is to create that sky to show space and also to represent Mother Nature the green colors and our brown colors show the earthly tones of our planet. The viewer of my work will be confronted with the theme of Fashion in Nature in which will try and convince them of the awareness of our beautiful planet and the beauties it has to offer us. It is taking photographs of beautiful landscapes of Mother Nature and models in earthly tones that have become personal for me, and breath taking to the viewer.